Green checkmarks on icons?

 Hi, I got a problem with norton. There is green checkmarks on icons and I'm guessing it has something to do with the backup.

Is there anyway to disable it?

Hi Minhil,


    You can view the backup status of a particular file or folder in your computer with the Backup Status Overlays. When the Backup Status Overlays option is turned on, Norton 360 adds a backup status icon to the files. The backup status overlay icons used by Norton 360 are:
1. Green icon with a check mark - This status indicates that the file has been backed up, and it changes to blue icon with arrows if you modify the file.
2. Blue icon with arrows - This status indicates that the file has not been backed up, and it changes to green when Norton 360 automatically backs up the file during idle time.
3. Gray icon with a slash mark - This status indicates that the file has been excluded from backup. Norton 360 displays a disabled backup status on a file when you exclude the file from any of the Backup Sets.

To turn off Backup Status Overlays


Open Norton 360 and click Settings. To turn off Backup Status Overlays, under Quick Controls, uncheck Backup Status Overlays.


Please let us know if you have any issues