Yesterday I fell asleep and left my comp idle. The Same trojan started attacking my comp and norton blocked ech one. When I saw this I did a quick scan and a full scan, and found nothing. The day after I noticed a svchost useing a ton of memory. nearly 1gb. I deleted it and it came back with 100k.
This is when I did the Norton Power Eraser to see if the scans missed anything. It found a program I forget its name, it started with a P, had 2 words, second word started with a d, and had a .0 at the end, I'm not sure. It says that it could fix it, and restore it.
It deleted the file, and I reset my comp. Then it wouln't boot up, normal or in safe modes. System repair and last boot recovery wouldn't work. It says a rescent hardwere or softwere change could be the source of the problem.
I'm thinking NPE got a false positive and never restored the file. My comp dosent make it to the log in screen, it just resets itself after I go threw system repairs, normal starts, etc. The OS is upgraded to Windows 7 homePrem 64bit.
If I can get my comp to boot, then I can go into NPE and undo the last scan and that should restore the file it deleted. If anyone from Norton can get my comp booting again I would very much be thankful.