Help! Computer got infected with Trojan.Zeroaccess



My computer got infected with trojan.zeroaccess last night. The autoprotect shows me the status of it every 10 mins or so. I followed the instruction and downloaded th fix zeroaccess tool; but it failed to remove the trojan. Scanned the company with Malware bytes, it identified the files and was able to clean them. However this morning when I started the computer, the problem appeared again.


Here is the popup window that I see every 10 mins.


Scan type:  Auto-Protect Scan
Event:  Security Risk Found!
Risk: Trojan.Zeroaccess
File:  C:\Windows\Installer\{e5a6e243-08c6-e2dd-0d7e-446929cac572}\U\80000000.@
Location:  Unknown Storage
Computer:  PC
Action taken:  Clean failed : Quarantine failed : Access denied
Date found: July-14-12  12:22:08 PM


I'm running windows vista on 32 bits.


Any help is greatly appreciated!!! thank you!