I'm currently running NIS2010 on an 9 year old XP machine that is giving up the ghost, and have purchased a new computer running Windows 7.
I want to set up NIS on that computer and think I understand basically what to do, but I want to make sure that get this correct, so I'd appreciate any additions or corrections to the following plan. (Based on what I could find searching this forum -- thank you very much!)
First: it looks to me (from the posts on this forum) that NIS2012 is mature enough now to go ahead and install it, rather than a previous version. Do you agree?
I also understand that I'll be able to use the product key from my NIS2010 product (3-user license, only one in use currently), to register the NIS2012 product. Yes?
So, here is my plan:
> on old computer (nis10):
print out product key, have available
backup identity save to an idsafe.npm file
download latest nis12.exe from www.norton.com/nis12 = NIS-ESD-19-5-1-2-EN.exe
> put both files on a usb drive for transfer to new computer
> on new computer (setup nis12):
(do not plug in ethernet connection before install of nis12)
install NIS 2012 from NIS-ESD-19-5-1-2-EN.exe
(install NIS by right mouse clicking on it and selecting Run as Administrator)
when asks for product key, plug in ethernet connection and enter key
(>>> this is one point I have questions on:
will it put up a dialogue box and ask, and wait until the ethernet connection is live?
will just plugging in the ether net cable be enough (on a new computer) to get a live connection?
if I have to reboot, will that mess up the install?)
after successfully getting nis12 registered,
update NIS and keep running live update until says no more updates / then reboot
(should be version or finally)
then do windows updates until up to date
(another point of questions:
will windows update start running immediately when I have a live internet connection,
and will that interfere with the nis12 updates?
should I wait until windows updates are finished before updating nis12?)
once nis12 and win7 are all updated:
setup identity safe and import backup from old computer
(from NIS main UI->Settings->Web->Log in to identity safe->Import data)
(point it to idsafe.npm retrieved from old computer)
finally, download and install latest versions of firefox, chrome
If you have actually gotten through all this, thanks very much.
I'd appreciate any changes or additions you might suggest.
Thank you,
-- Harvey