Help with a SONAR detection in NIS 2009



Has anyone here had experience with a NIS 2009 detection of 'rbsolnupdate.exe'?


Shortly after turning on our PC this afternoon I was notified that Norton SONAR had detected 'rbsolnupdate.exe' in a subfolder of '...local settings\temp', that it was considered a 'high' risk file and that it had been fully removed. This came out of the blue, as we do scans with NIS, Spybot and AdAware regularly, and in fact a full system scan by NIS was just done only a few days prior with little to no use of the PC in the interval. 


Looking online there seems to be no solid information as to what the risk is associated with this file, and what data or system settings might have been compromised. Some sites attribute it to a Disk Cleanup process, or something related to HP Update. The details option under Risk Management in the Security History window just brings up a page stating that no threat writeup exists.


We only recently took advantage of the NIS 2009 free update (jumping from NIS 2006), so the SONAR function is new territory for me. My understanding is that SONAR is an "out in front" tool looking for suspicious behavior in processes that don't have a formal threat associated with them. Is it possible that it incorrectly flagged a benign system process as dangerous?


Thanks in advance for any help you can give, I very much appreciate it!