I am paying Norton-LifeLock to monitor my house title. House was purchased in 12/2021. In same County/State as LifeLock headquarters is located. Still not listed as being monitored. Tried repeatedly to notify LifeLock. Always put on hold. No calls back.
Ready to cancel and go with a company that I can get response from.
The property I've owned for a significant amount of time wasn't found. ›
Our system identifies properties you may own by searching public property transfer and property tax records for your personal information. If there is not an exact match, our system may not recognize you as an owner of the property. This can happen if, for example:
Your property is held in a Trust, and the name of that Trust is significantly different from your name. In that case, our system may not recognize you as a beneficiary of the Trust; or
The property address is not associated with you because you have not used that address on any records, we use to identify you.