Hotel Reservation Scam Email with Virus

Over the last few days I have received two scam emails with attachments purporting to come from "" which is a genuine travel agency that the scammers are pretending to be.  As I have not made any hotel reservations and have never dealt with I deleted both but not before I peeked into each email without opening them via "properties"-"details"-message source" and after googling found it to be this worrying scam:


There are several other similar results and warnings about this. If you read the article which is from Sophos It would seem that opening the attachment releases a dangerous Trojan onto your computer.


What I would like to know - is Norton up to speed on this and would it have protected me if I had opened the attachment which is said to be a .ZIP file ?   If not will it please look into it now.


If I get another one how do I forward it safely to Norton for investigation?