Rookie user here. I am running Norton Internet Security (latest Version on a home PC with the Windows 8.1 operating system.
The following scenario is a never ending battle for us...
Our son's time limit expires and he will receive the dialog box from Norton Family Safety asking for a present parent to enter their parent's email and password to extend his time. All my son does now is enter a gibberish email and password and he gets to continue using the PC for what seems to be about three to five extra minutes. He does this repeatedly. Isn't there some way to lock him out after he attempts this more than once?
This is just one onerous example of a trick he has successfully applied.
The program blocks the child's account when the time is up and he can’t disable the program unless he has the account email and password. When the time is up or during a curfew period, the child would get an extra 60 seconds plus another 60 seconds while displaying a warning message with 60 seconds counting down. After that, the child is logged out of his/her account. The child is allowed to log back to the PC for 60 seconds and receive another warning message with 60 seconds counting down to finish whatever he/she was doing . Later, the behavior is repeated for the 3rd time, so the child gets about extra 6 minutes, then he/she wouldn't be able to log back to the PC without the email address and password of the Norton Online Family account. I'll try to reproduce it myself and report this to the team, but I don't think false email and password would allow him to stay on the PC longer than the extra 6 minutes.
I just ran my own test using my nine year old son's Windows 8.1 acct. (standard user - no administrator rights) and I was able to renew the PC time allowed by Norton Family indefinitely for over 45 minutes by the strategy I described above. Each time, Norton Family logged him out, I just relogged using his Windows PIN. Also, when I was still signed on under his Windows 8.1 account I successfully completely disabled Norton Family as well with a few trials of gibberish text typed in as user names and passwords and some patience.
Is it possible that the MicroSoft Family safety program interferes with the operation of your program? We use MicroSoft Family Safety to block his access to the Norton Family website where he also plays around with settings.
Please make sure you don't have any other parental control products on the PC. For example, for Windows 7, make sure the Parental Controls option under Control Panel is Disabled on the PC. Click on Start Button and select the option Control Panel, There you can find the option Parental Controls. Under that one, you can find whether you have enabled the Parental Control for your child's User Account. Please Disable it. If you have multiple parental control programs enabled on the PC, it might interfere with the performance of Norton Family.
Last night I attempted the test of Norton family with Microsoft Family disabled. It was the exist same result as before. One can keep using our Win 8.1 home PC indefinitely past the time limit by keep entering gibberish email and passwor text entries. Also I was able to disable the program has well from my son’s standard account. I’m not certain what the issue is. Did you hear back from your tech people?
Can you please let me know how you "I was able to disable the program has well from my son's standard account...". Did you have to add the correct Norton Account email address and password?
Hi Katie, I described in my Nov 16 email the procedure. I don’t necessarily want to harm other potential users by this discussion. We were mystified at how my son could disable account. Then I also did it by entering random text in the email and password blocks and ignoring all the warnings that one’s parents will be notified. After a few tries, the program sort of freezes up and then displays that it is disabled. Later it reloads itself, but the staffer is too keep extending the allowable time after it signs one off Windows, so effectively it doesn’t matter.
I don’t want to complain. It’s a great program for b locking access to certain sites, it’s just the time management and disable over ride that are disconcerting. TT
Thanks for the feedback. I tried to reproduce the issue, but had no luck. If you are interested in having a remote session with me, please send me a private message in the forum for details.
Rookie user here. I am running Norton Internet Security (latest Version on a home PC with the Windows 8.1 operating system.
The following scenario is a never ending battle for us...
Our son's time limit expires and he will receive the dialog box from Norton Family Safety asking for a present parent to enter their parent's email and password to extend his time. All my son does now is enter a gibberish email and password and he gets to continue using the PC for what seems to be about three to five extra minutes. He does this repeatedly. Isn't there some way to lock him out after he attempts this more than once?
This is just one onerous example of a trick he has successfully applied.