How do I purge files from a back up set in Norton Security Premium

I need to purge all the files from a specific back up set previously backed up online in Norton Security Premium. Cannot find a video to help and Tech Support was not helpful. 

Thanks so very much!  You were absolutely correct!  I clicked on the option to delete files and walked away from my computer.  A few minutes later I had my list of backed-up files and could clean up what I needed.  Thanks again!

[peanut gallery]

when working over the internet with a busy server, and traffic on the net, i would go slow as it will take time for you to see any results. think email not IM smiley

Good Morning,

I apologize if this post appears in more than 1 place.  Don't do this often.  I also am having a problem deleting files from an online backup set.  I followed Siddarth's steps above (the first set).  When I click on "Delete Backed Up Files" nothing happens.  The option is not grayed-out, simply nothing happens.  I just upgraded to Norton Security Premium because the same issue happened under my previous Norton 360.  Please advise.  Thanks!


Hi @Marge G.  @Wendy A Robb ,

Thank you for writing to us and sorry for the inconvenience caused.  I will help you with this, you can purge your backup from online storage from  Norton, the below steps will help you :

Norton-> backup-> backup sets-> click Where tab-> Choose the online destination -> at the right side end corner click " Delete Backed up files"


Norton-> backup-> backup sets->  Click Summary tab-> Choose " Delete Backup Set"-> in next pop-up choose" Delete backup set and files" - for deleting both Backup set and files .

Thank you,


I see no answer for you yet. I am currently experiencing the same problem, only the 2 options in 'file action' dropdown, so I cannot get to deleting files from online backup.  Keep getting message from Norton 360 that I do not have enough space for running backup, yet can't get to deleting files to free space.  I am paying for extra storage, so very frustrating.

Thank you, Phil D. I had already found the video that you are referring to.  However, it specifically states that to purge files from online storage, you need to go to  Choose file action and pick 'purge files'.  When I follow those instructions, and pick file action, I only get two options in the drop down.  One is to download a file and the other is to e-mail a link.  I thought perhaps that the process for Norton Online Backup product was different from Norton Security Premium (with backup) product.  I still need to get instructions on how to remove files from on-line storage that were backed up from Norton Security Premium (previously Norton 360).  Can you help?

Hello Marge G.,

There are 6 videos covering the Norton Security Premium backup on the Norton video tutorials page. There is one demonstrating how to delete (purge) backup sets and files.

Also, you can download the complete Norton Security Premium Product Manual from this Norton page. (link is external) The manual provides extensive information about the backup process.

Please let us know if this information was helpful.

I've asked your post be moved to the Backup forum board for better exposure.