My Android Tablet A has the Norton Security Deluxe downloaded. While doing a security check, I was instructed to activate Anti-Theft. I assumed, incorrectly, that by clicking on it that I would be taken to my subscription to do this. Instead it activated it and I DO NOT WANT IT. I have hear too many complaints and can't be without a working tablet.
Is there a way to turn off or delete the anti-theft feature? I could not find anything under my Norton account to do so.
I could not find a resolution to this in the forums.
You are welcome. Glad I could help.
Still not sure which features of the Anti Theft were causing you concern. I have had the Anti Theft active since I got Norton on my mobiles. I have not seen any issues with the app. There have been a couple of hiccups with the location reporting on the web site, but nothing that affected your device.
Thank you, this worked. I only became concerned when I went into the forum and saw all the complaints. I have used Norton for my business and now for personal use for over 11 years. Not ready to trust this part of it just yet.
What kind of problems are you concerned about with the Anti Theft feature?
There is no switch to turn the feature off. The only way I can see to disable the Anti Theft feature would be to reset the Norton Mobile Security, NMS, app to installation defaults. You do this by clearing the NMS data. Go into the Norton Mobile Security, NMS app settings. Tap on the 3 bars at the top left of the NMS screen and tap on Settings. Scroll down to the Anti Theft section and turn off the Device Administrator setting. Now go to Android Settings - Apps. Scroll to the NMS app and clear the app cache and app Data. Restart the device and turn the Device Administrator setting back on. This will reset your NMS to a trial version. To get the full version back, open the NMS app, tap on the 3 bars at the top left, then tap Sign In. Enter your Norton Account information and you should have the full version again.
Just do not activate the feature after the reset.