How do I stop NIS 2008 from automatically disabling browser's built-in anti-phishing?

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

When I installed NIS 2008 it used to ask me if I wanted to disable my browser's built in anti-phishing functionality whenever I ran the browser and the browser's anti-phishing functionality was on.  At some point I got fed up and clicked don't ask again.  I'm pretty sure I clicked "no" when it asked if it should automatically turn it off.


Anyway now everytime I run Firefox or Internet Explorer the built in anti-phishing functionality is disabled.  I don't want it to be, but I can't figure out how to either get NIS to start prompting me again so I can choose or just make it so it won't.


I'm assuming there's a registry entry that controls this, but I have no idea what it is.  How can I either get the prompt back or tell it not to automatically disable the built in anti-phishing.   I don't want to reinstall NIS, so I'm hoping there is a simple answer.

Message Edited by Morac on 07-04-2008 01:17 AM

Actually you can have both on.  What will happen if you go to a phishing page is that Norton will warn you.  If you ignore the warning  (or Norton doesn't detect that the site is a phishing site) then your browser will warn you.


For example as of 11:57 AM EDT, this site is not detected by NIS 2008 (or IE 7) as a phishing site, but it is detected by Firefox 3.0.   Since Norton disables Firefox's phishing detection, I'd have no idea that it was a phishing site unless I manually turned it back on.


I found the site using the 0 hour phising site list at which states that site has been active for 6 hours.


BTW I got the prompt back by using the Norton Removal tool and re-installing. 

Now I would like to have it stop prompting me to disable the browser's phishing detection each time I run it, but not change the settings automatically each time I run IE or Firefox.

Message Edited by Morac on 07-04-2008 12:01 PM

Why on Earth are you doing all this?  Why can you not just leave Norton Phishing Protection On as that is the best defence against Phishing Web Sites?


There will be clashes; that is why Norton has probably not Detected it; that is also why I mentioned in my last Post that you should just keep Norton Phishing Protection On.

Floating_Red wrote:

Why on Earth are you doing all this?  Why can you not just leave Norton Phishing Protection On as that is the best defence against Phishing Web Sites?


There will be clashes; that is why Norton has probably not Detected it; that is also why I mentioned in my last Post that you should just keep Norton Phishing Protection On.


Because I've just shown that Norton isn't necessarily the best defense against Phishing Web sites.  It missed one that Firefox (technically Google) picked up.  If it missed the one I posted above, it will probably miss others.  Also when I tested I had Firefox's phishing detection tool disabled, so there is no problem with clashes.


Anti-phishing tools should never clash.  I don't know how the one in IE works, but the one built into Firefox just compares the URL in the address bar with an internal database to see if there is a match and reports if there is one.  It doesn't care what Norton or any other add-on is doing.  Like-wise Norton shouldn't care what Firefox is doing, it should just check the URLs in the http request and warn me.  There's no reason why they can't peacefully co-exist and my testing shows that they do.


Finally, if you have Google Desktop installed, it adds it's own anti-phishing filter (called Safe Browsing) into the network layer that warns you if you go to a site that Google has deemed to be a phishing or malware site.  Actually Yahoo is doing the same thing when you search at  It's rediculous to think that if more than one phishing tool is active that they'll all fail to work.



It sounds like you don't know the answer to my question and insist on plugging your fingers into your ears and shouting "Norton is best".  I don't care if Norton is best or not, I want to know how to Norton stop prompting me when I start my browser, but not make the changes automatically if I tell it to stop prompting me.


At this point I've just disabled Norton's toolbar in Firefox 3.0.  I had previously disabled it in Firefox 2.0, but figured I'd give it a try in 3.0 only to find that it conflicts with an add-on I have installed.   I'd still like to know the answer to my question though.

Message Edited by Morac on 07-04-2008 01:29 PM

Norton is desgined on Bloodhound Detections, as well as Exact Definitions, so it should Block most Phishing Web Sites without Updated Web Protection Definitions.; with Updated Web Protection Definitions, Norton will Block all Web Protection Definitions, which makes for an excellent Protection.


I have just Reported this Site to symantec so we shall see if it is added to the Phishing Protection Web Protection Definitions.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 07-04-2008 07:34 PM

Well I figured out how to change you choice once you click the "don't ask again" checkbox.  You have to remove NIS 2008 using the norton removal tool.  Also whatever option you pick when you check the "don't ask again" checkbox is remembered.  So now I have it so it doesn't ask me and doesn't automatically disable it. 


That said I decided to completely remove it from Firefox since it's causing conflicts with add-ons. Once that's fixed, I'll consider adding it back in.


Overall though I really shouldn't have to uninstall and reinstall NIS just to change one option though, that's just bad design.

And I told you there would be conflicts. 


symantec has just Release Web Protection Definitions and, as expected, does not Detected that Web Site as a Phishing Web Site; Firefox must be Reporting a False-Positive.


Will Update soon again.

It's conflicting with add-ons I got from, not the Firefox's phishing filter.  Basically it's messing up anything having to do with loading CSS used by other add-ons (and vice-versa).  It's probably because the toolbar isn't really a proper add-on, but more of a hack to insert the toolbar into Firefox directly.  Roboform uses the same idea, but it doesn't break my other addons.


I tested the site again and NIS is now detecting it.  Still it took longer to detect it than Firefox though.

Message Edited by Morac on 07-04-2008 05:07 PM

I would just be cautious about using two Phishing Protection Scanners because there could be conflicts which are remaining un-Detected.


That Web Page cannot be found that you Posted on your message.  Seems like that Web Page does not exist any more.  I wonder why Phishing Protection did not Detect and Block it...


That was symantec's first Web Protection Definitions of the Day; they normally have two-three W.P.D. before that.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 07-04-2008 11:55 PM

You cannot have both on; it is either one or the other.  You are better off having N.I.S. Phishing Protection on because it is more effective.  You can always Turn On/Off the Phishing Protection from your Norton Product.  To do this: Click the Norton Internet Security Tab > Settings > Transaction Security


Remember to Set LiveUpdate to Run every few hours if you have Phishing Protection on on the Norton Product.


I would strongly advise that you put Crimeware Protection On, too.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 07-04-2008 01:42 PM