How does the Parent change their email address?

I recently got a new email address. How do I change my primary email in the settings?

I recently got a new email address. How do I change my primary email in the settings?

I am having the same problem. I need to change the parent email address, and it does not match the email in my Norton account. What now?

Hi Irelliott,


1. Go to

2. Type the email and password that you use currently in the email box and password box to log onto My Norton

     Account website.

3. Click on Profile link

4. Type your new email address in Email Address field

     Type your new email address again in the Re-type Email Address field

5. Click on UPDATE button to save it


If you have any questions, please let me know.







Thank you. When I try to change the email address and update, I get an application error. When I click "continue", I am back at the login page. Maybe this is because I used different email addresses? What do I do next?



I just checked each page again that you need to go though to update your email address, but didn't see the Continue button, Could you tell us which page you were on with "continue" button, maybe a screen snap?




When I change the email in profile, I get the following page. Then when I click continue, I get the login page.


Norton screen capture.jpg





If you would like to do a remote desktop access session,  I can take a look at what's going on.  You're welcome to send me a private message or an email for details.  You can find my email address at






If you could try and log into Norton Account and go to your profile and make sure your country is selected and update that profile and then try again.


This may solve your issue with Norton account.



Thank you Matt. I tried one more time to change my Norton email address, and was finally successful. My country was already set to United States.


However, this doesn't seem to change my OnlineFamily email address. I tried to login with my new email address, and it failed. I then tried to login to OnlineFamily with my old email and it worked. What's next? Is there some way to delete my OnlineFamily account and start over?

Hi lrelliiott,


Creating a new OnlineFamily.Norton account gives you a new fresh start.


  1. Uninstall the existing Norton Safety Minder on the PC using your current email address.                
  2. Go to and create a new online account with the new email address.
  3. Install a new copy of Norton Safety Minder.
  4. Associate the children windows accounts with the profiles on





This exact thing is happening to me too. I can't change my email. I keep getting this Application Error.

Hi mjtiger,


Thanks for the post.  Did you get a chance to try the steps provided by Matt at




When I initially set out to find the answer to my problem, I did a search and it brought me to this topic. Although I am not a part of the OnlineFamily thing, it was the exact same problem that I had. So, before I even posted, I read the whole topic and tried everything it said already. There was nothing wrong with the chosen country in my profile.

Thanks Katie and Matt. Deleting the old and starting over with the new email address did work. I appreciate your help. I believe the problem all along was that I used a different email address for Online Family than what I had with Norton.

