Win. xp - current NIS version in place ( i checked)
in Settings under email ''virus scan' - is it necessary to have all options checked ? : scan in/out mail/ scan for worms/protect against time-outs (not sure what that does-can't totally understand printed explanation LOL)
Bottom line w/o anything 'checked',, email gets 'delivered' without long delays and it seems the 'internet' doesn't freeze up on me (Firefox) ('if' there is a 'connection' to mail being scanned & internet 'stalls') but .... with all checked previously the download from Road Runner (main in mail program) and then transferred to Outlook Express seems to take forever !!! thanks in advance for any 'ideas/suggestions/warnings' etc - ....regards - Edythe
PS: to play 'safe' i just reinstated it all until i hear further from you ....