How to clear "Scan Complete" notification Android 12

I recently updated from Samsung Galaxy S7 to an S22 (Android 8 to 12) and now the Norton 360 "Scan Complete" notification cannot be cleared from the Notification Pull Down like before on the S7. The clear button is "greyed out". I don't mind the notification, but want it cleared to lessen the clutter with other notifications.

I did find a possible solution by opening the Norton app going to Security/settings cog/"Safe Ongoing Notifications"/toggle off. I assume this stops ALL "safe" notifications and will still alert me if anything malicious is found on a scan. I do want to see the notification that the scan was done and the status, I just want to be able to clear it like before and not have it be in the way of other notifications. Is there another solution to enable the "clear" button or another way to clear the notification from the Notification Pull Down?

Your suggestions for the notifications might be a good suggestion for the Product Suggestions board


I thank you for your response, but this morning I just realized the solution. The key word is "Ongoing" (as in always on) in the Norton setting "Safe Ongoing Notifications". Toggling this setting to off only prevents always on display of safe notifications (clear button greyed out). I have played with this issue so much doing scans and toggling settings, that this morning is the first time Norton did its normal auto scan during the night with the "Safe Ongoing Notifications" toggled off. This morning I had the notification "Scan Complete" waiting for me, however the clear button is no longer greyed out and works clearing the notification. So, with this setting "off", it only prevents the ongoing or always on display of the safe notifications, not the safe notification itself.

You were right in that I did find the setting I was looking for. But the ambiguity of the setting label makes one infer ALL safe notifications will not be displayed.

Suggestion for Norton: Set the default for "Safe Ongoing Notifications" setting to OFF. You still get the notification and can clear it just like any other notification.  Those who ALWAYS want to see this notification can turn it on.  Also, like with other Norton features, put an "i" icon on the "Safe Ongoing Notifications" setting for a "pop-up" to explain exactly what it does.

I would say you have found the setting you are looking for. I checked in both 360 settings and in Android 9 settings. It should work the way it is worded. Only Safe notifications will not be displayed, while any malicious or dangerous  notifications will get displayed. 

Do you still have the older phone available to check the settings on it to see if maybe there has been a change in the default settings?