How to determine which particular individual updates were downloaded in the session

Issue abstract: How do I…

Detailed description: View details of what particular updates I receive?

Product & version number: 24.10.9535 (build 24.10.9535.882)

OS details: Win10 Pro

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I am informed each and every day the live update was completed. However, for the life of me, I cannot ascertain as to which particular Updates were downloaded on each individual basis.

This & numerous useful features have been omitted in 24.xx, I used to check exactly what was included in the actual download & that was very helpful. This new version is a completely different creature, has not been thought out at all as far as being a user is concerned.

The best this version offers is clicking “Open LiveUpdate” on the right and view the information in the lower part of the screen. In my case it was virus definitions and date/time stamped. Please note that no matter the selection from history the last update ran will be the only information shown. Not good.


fwiw ~ my understanding:
Norton v24 LiveUpdate brings protection &or product updates…v24 protection updates are streaming…bits n’ pieces…assembled…more streaming.

I’m imagining (repeat imagining) Norton v24 main definitions folder updates
~twice per day. When it’s released, all the streaming updates on your device which have now become part of the main defs/signatures are removed and new streaming updates for the day starts downloading.

for example:


Personally, I don’t want a program that forces me to dig through the directory of my C: drive to dig out what amounts to simpleton information. Version 24.xx does at least show whether the build and version was changed per my screenshot. In the version prior to 24.xx I believe users are wanting the ability to SEE in history if nowhere else, under “more info” whether the update was NGC ( product base update ) or simple updates to other parts of the install. I would love having that back as well. :sunglasses: Just my 3 cents from a different perspective.

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone! I certainly don’t like this version. At least now I am armed with the knowledge that I am actually receiving updates! I much preferred Norton Internet Security. The interface on this version and make me feel as if I’m being treated like a child.