I can't understand Cloud Backup and I can't afford the time needed to understand it, nor indeed have the inclination. I'm worried about security. I haven't got the faintest idea what's been backed up and what is not. I want to know how to disable it but *INCREDIBLY* cannot find a button to do this.
Please tell me how to do this. Please also no degree course in Cloud Backup. Just how to get rid of it.
Be sure you have disabled both the Backup feature and the Backup Overlays as I described above and bjm_ shows in one of his images above.
If that is what you have done, try turning on the Backup feature, then restart your computer, not shutdown. Then when the computer is started again try turning off the Backup feature again. Sometimes settings can get muddled and resetting them can fix an issue.
Thanks so much for this. I couldn't find the familiar Open Norton 360 interface. I hadn't tried right clicking the tray icon.
I've now disabled Backup. I did have Manual Schedule which was an intermediate fix. But turning Backup off completely is preferred.
No idea why Norton makes its Backup so hopelessly opaque, but I can't be bothered with it. I have clouds with my internet provider and Microsoft's One Drive, so it's frankly a pretty unneeded feature.
In the notification area on the taskbar, right-click the Norton product icon, and then click Open Norton 360.
In the Norton product main window, double-click Backup, and then click Backup Sets.
In the Backup Settings window, in the Backup Set drop-down list, select the backup set that you want to delete.
Click Delete.
In the Delete Backup Set window, do one of the following:
<p>To delete the current backup set, select <strong>Delete backup set</strong>.</p>
<p>To delete the current backup set and purge the files already backed up, select <strong>Delete backup set and files</strong>.</p>
<p>Click <strong>Yes</strong>.</p>
In the My Norton page, under Cloud Backup, click View Backup Sets.
<p>The existing backup sets that are in use are displayed.</p>
<p>To delete a backup set, click the trash icon of the backup set that you want to delete.</p>
<p>In the <strong>Delete Backup Set</strong> confirmation window, click <strong>Delete</strong>.</p>
<p>Click <strong>Cancel</strong> to display the backup page without deleting the backup set.</p>
Open your Norton device security product.
If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open.
In the Norton product main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under Detailed Settings, click Backup Settings.
In the Backup Settings window, in the Backup row, slide the switch to Off.
If you turn the switch off, you cannot perform any backup tasks from the Norton product.
Please check your Norton account to confirm ... Automatic Renewal Off ... and no billing information.
MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports: Activate Subscription Renewal ... with Automatic Renewal Off.
BILLING INFORMATION reports: There is no billing profile saved in your account ... with no billing information. https://my.norton.com/extspa/account/subscriptions
Open the classic 360 interface and click on Settings. Then in the Quick controls section on the right, un check the Backup and Backup overlays options. That will disable the backup feature.
Any backups that were made have been stored encrypted on the Norton servers, so no real worry about security. But if you do want to remove them from the storage, log into your Norton Account and click on the Cloud Storage pillar, then click on View Backup Sets. Then find your backup set and click on the trash can beside it. That will remove the files from Norton's cloud storage.
Please switch to Classic view
From Norton tray icon -> click Open Norton 360
Open My Norton for My Norton view
Open Norton 360 for Classic view
Please try turning Backup Off?
I have Backup Set on Manual Schedule.
When I'm annoyed by reminder to run Backup. I turn Backup Off.
Open your Norton device security product.
If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open.
In the Norton product main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under Detailed Settings, click Backup Settings.
In the Backup Settings window, in the Backup row, slide the switch to Off.
If you turn the switch off, you cannot perform any backup tasks from the Norton product.