I just bought a new PC and need to download all my backed up files. Not one by one, but all at once. HELP!
[Edit: Clarified subject]
I just bought a new PC and need to download all my backed up files. Not one by one, but all at once. HELP!
[Edit: Clarified subject]
If you have set up 360 on the new PC you can do this from the Backup section. From the classic interface double click on Backup, and then on Restore Files. From the new My Norton interface, click on the down arrow beside Cloud Backup and choose Restore. Then in the From section, choose the Online Backup. That should get you a list of your backup sets in the cloud storage. Then choose the one you wish to use. You can then choose where you want to restore the files. You can just move them to a temporary folder on your hard drive, or restore to their original locations.