Hi. I've been getting a strange error for a few days now and I can't understand why. See the screen shot:
Hi. I've been getting a strange error for a few days now and I can't understand why. See the screen shot:
Fixed: “Turn on fast startup” Option Missing In Windows 10 / 11 Settings
Note: thegeekpage.com is ad supported
Turn on Fast Startup option is missing in Windows 11/10
Note: thewindowsclub is ad supported
If the Hibernate feature is turned off in Windows, not just in the control panel settings, then Fast Startup will not show as an option.
Terster:File Attachment:
No fast start option
Terster:Clicked "here" link. Windows 10 but Fast Startup is not an available option.
If you are still seeing this LiveUpdate message, have you have you run LiveUpdate manually a few times, restarting as necessary, until no updates are available? Then restart again.
No "fast start option " in Shutdown settings. Win10 x64
Clicked "here" link. Windows 10 but Fast Startup is not an available option.
Try restarting your computer and running LiveUpdate again. Restart, not shutdown and startup again if you have Window Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1, 10 or 11, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.
NGC: "failed to open a browser" and I'm logged in with Chrome on the My.Norton site. Great.