How do I stop the norton pop-up saying "Threats blocked"? I tried turning my laptop off, but the pop-up is still there. If I close it, it just comes back. This has been going on for three days!
Carolyn M:How do I stop the norton pop-up saying "Threats blocked"? I tried turning my laptop off, but the pop-up is still there. If I close it, it just comes back. This has been going on for three days!
Please tell us what Norton is telling you regarding this event.
For information regarding this event > from Norton pop-up > View Details > Copy to Clipboard &or from Norton history > More Options > Copy to Clipboard > paste here.
Does Norton prompt popup? for example:
Does Norton prompt Message? for example:
Message: "Norton has blocked an exploit attack"
For Norton technical issues please include details:
- Norton product or service name and version
- Operating system - version / build
- Norton error message / error code / screen shot (mask personal information)
- Steps to reproduce issue
To Community,
First never do smart scans. At the end of every smart scan you get another advertisement to buy another Norton product. To get rid of the threat warnings and advertisements that don't go away hover over the red x box on upper right of the warning box and click. Usually they disappear after a few seconds on their own. That gets rid of mine. Sometimes you can't get rid of it until your cursor is hovering on your toolbox. You'll be able to remove unwanted Norton ads and warnings there as well. Anything from Norton that just lingers on your screen clicking the red box will 9 out of 10 times remove the warning or advertisement off your screen. The threat warnings are usually telling you you may be on a risky website and this will sometimes lead to unwanted scams, send you to other risky websites, malicious malware and ransomware. I suggest get off the website that is making the threat blocked box keep popping up. Hope this helps you out.
We all HATE NORTON for their marketing scam and we should make a class action suit. We gave them access to protect us and they are using that good faith access to do exactly what they are supposed to protect us from!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Morgan and Morgan is based in my town. I think I will call them. Would anyone else join the lawsuit?