How to keep Norton Backup from completely filling a hard disk?

I have a 1.6T hard drive and it is where I store my backup from Norton360. Backup is 24,000 files and 20.8G.

But the Norton Backup takes up the entire disk with only 1.2M free now, and backups are failing.

Norton Backup is the only thing on the drive.

Is there a way to keep Norton Backup from using up all the space on a hard drive?

@Super Phishing Phryer, I suppose by your the tone of your response you feel the need to ridicule a customer's experience with your company's support? Well your response prompted me to go back to refresh my memory and to look up the actual case, it was [Removed].

First, I want to say that I was incorrect, I was not on the phone for many hours but it was an online chat.
Second, what I wrote in my response to Algeric was correct, Automatic Norton backup will only work correctly with using their cloud service.

To be more clear, you cannot use an external hard drive and use the Automatic backup feature. Norton Backup cannot distinguish between an existing initial full incremental backup and subsequent incremental backups. It just performs a full backup over and over again.

Here's the message stream of that support chat session

11:00 PM Me: Ok, so are you saying that the local backup will always create new backups of files in the destination drive but not on the Cloud drive?

11:01 PM [Support]: Exactly.

Mr. Mane went on to write..."Now I will explain you about the OFFline backup that is External drive backup."

11:02 PM [Support]: Whenever we use the External Drvie Backup, we cannot set it to Automatic because the external drive won't be connected to computer for all the time. User may remove it for any other use.

11:03 PM [Support]: So, if it get set for Automatic and at the time of backup if the drive won't be available, it will create the issue and backup will not perform.

11:03 PM [Support]: That is the reason, External drive backup create the New Folder every time we run the backup.

11:03 PM [Support]: And that is the reason it duplicates the data but in different folder.

11:03 PM [Support]: This is how your External drive is taking more space.

11:04 PM [Support]: In this case, the best solution would be,

11:13 PM [Support]: Me, Norton was never had an option to continue with same Backup Set on External Drive. It will continue the same backup set only if we are running backup on System Hard Drive that is C: and D : drive on your computer.

So unlike other backup solutions that has the ability to do a Incremental backups to external hard drives without filling them up almost immediately, Norton Security can only perform this type of backup to their own cloud storage.

I've always been a Norton customer since the 90s and trust Symantec Antivirus protection as well, but making light of a customer who is speaking the truth doesn't live up to many people's expectation of good service.

"Thanks and take care "


Windows-as-a-Service - AS IS -- Norton-as-a-Service - AS IS

 At least we've been striving to make you happy, very happy. And, please create your own post and tell us your own issue later.

BTW, have you contacted the OFFICIAL Norton Support here?

I was on the phone with support for hours

And, to free up your Norton backup size, you may look into this page.

As to backup system/program, please at least learn to avoid using few other risky items (e.g., this MegaBackup for Mac, MyPC Backup for Windows, etc.) on the web.

Thanks and take care...

Yes, move on to another backup system! Their software is written to only work automatically with the cloud based storage!

I was on the phone with support for hours before they bumped me up to the next level support and then I was told that I was stuck with the ever increasing backup size or use their cloud backup!

So I'm left with manually running backups until I can afford a new backup software. :(

I'm very disappointed with Norton.


I have the same problem. I was surprised to find that, over time, my 3TB external HDD being used for Norton 360 backups has become full.

I probably assumed that old backups would be automatically overwritten by new backups, but I am obviously wrong about that.

Is there any way of configuring Norton backups to automatically overwrite old backups?  If not, I will probably move to a different backup system, as it is is unwieldy to have to manually clear old backups.

Any help would be appreciated.