How to open and close ports on Norton 360?



Using a nmap scan, I find this in a client:



135/tcp   filtered msrpc
139/tcp   open     netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open     microsoft-ds
1028/tcp  filtered unknown
1110/tcp  filtered nfsd-status
1433/tcp  filtered ms-sql-s
2717/tcp  filtered pn-requester
3389/tcp  open     ms-wbt-server
5357/tcp  open     wsdapi
5432/tcp  filtered postgresql
5631/tcp  filtered pcanywheredata
49152/tcp open     unknown
49153/tcp open     unknown
49154/tcp open     unknown
49155/tcp filtered unknown


Some of these ports look unnatural to me and should not be open. He has Norton 360 installed on this PC but I cannot for the love of me find the list of open and closed ports. I can only find programs which have been allowed connections. I dont plan to go thru each and every program to see if ports are the same.


Those 49000s are I believe Norton 360 ports which are used for updating, validating, etc. but the rest?  I KNOW for a fact he doesnt use PostgreSQL server on this PC so that shouldnt even be there.


How can I check what ports are open and which are not in Norton 360?


Thank you