How to open new tab so it is on top in Norton Secure Browser?

When I right-click on a link and select "Open link in new tab", the link opens in a new tab, but I then have to click on that tab so I can see it.  How do I make it automatically bring it to the front?  In Chrome there is an extension that does that.


I was able to install that extension into NSB, and it works fine now!   THANKS!

                                    I understand the risks          Install anyway

The Chrome extension is called "Tabs to the Front".  I didn't know it could be used in NSB.  I just mentioned it in case I wasn't clear about what I was trying to accomplish and some people would then recognize my problem.

Did you try installing that Chrome extension in Norton Secure Browser.
I've installed Chrome store extensions in Norton Secure Browser. 

What's the extension?