Having had to reinstall Norton 360 I'm now getting green check marks on all my photos - and, in some cases blue double right arrow marks. How do I remove them. When I go to Norton 360 settings, there is no option to remove them as suggested in previous threads.
Open My Norton for My Norton view
Open Norton 360 for Classic view
Settings from systray button opens My Norton Settings
Settings from Classic view opens Norton 360 Settings
Switch between the My Norton window and Classic view
Thank you for that. Yes, that got me to where I wanted to be and I've now been able to get rid of the backup overlays. Thanks again. It's much appreciated.
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- Steps to reproduce issue
PendleWitch:1) However, when I open Norton 360 (my only option) I get the My Norton page.
2) If I click the Settings icon on the left panel the page looks nothing like the one above and simply lists:
Product tour, Launch View, VPN, Software Updater and Notifications.
1) R U reporting that your Norton system tray button - only offers 'Open Norton 360' - and 'Open Norton 360' calls My Norton?
2) My Norton > settings gear calls My Norton settings.
Please access Norton 360 Settings from Windows Admin user account.
Please try switching to Norton 360 Classic view.
from Norton 360 systray button => Open Norton 360
Open My Norton for My Norton view
Open Norton 360 for Classic view
Settings from systray button opens My Norton Settings
Settings from Classic view opens Norton 360 Settings
Switch between the My Norton window and Classic view
Please post progress:
Nathan Peeters:Or just press the arrow next to fix now, that will get you in to classic view
click Performance calls Classic view
Or just press the arrow next to fix now, that will get you in to classic view
Please access Norton 360 Settings from Windows Admin user account.
Please try switching to Norton 360 Classic view.
from Norton 360 systray button => Open Norton 360
Open My Norton for My Norton view
Open Norton 360 for Classic view
Settings from systray button opens My Norton Settings
Settings from Classic view opens Norton 360 Settings
Switch between the My Norton window and Classic view
Please post progress:
Thank you for the advice. However, when I open Norton 360 (my only option) I get the My Norton page. The 'Device Security' button in the right hand panel indicates 'You are at risk' and rather than have an 'Open' button next to it, it has a 'Fix now' button and clicking that only takes me to Backup Settings, but there is no 'Backup Status Overlays' option. If I click the Settings icon on the left panel the page looks nothing like the one above and simply lists:
Product tour, Launch View, VPN, Software Updater and Notifications.
Again there is no Backup Settings option.
I believe that you can get rid of them by unchecking backup overlay:
Device security > Open > Settings > Right in the column > Disable backup overlay.
Maybe, you're looking at My Norton view.
Please switch to Norton 360 Classic view.
from Norton 360 systray button => Open Norton 360
Open My Norton for My Norton view
Open Norton 360 for Classic view
Settings from systray button opens My Norton Settings
Settings from Classic view opens Norton 360 Settings
Switch between the My Norton window and Classic view
Please access Norton 360 Settings from Windows Admin user account.
I imagine you're seeing Backup Status Overlays on by default.
By default, Norton Backup settings are turned on and the following features are on:
Backup Status Overlay: Inserts an icon on files.
Protected - Green icon next to the file indicates that the file has been backed up
Unprotected - Blue icon next to the file indicates that the file has been modified after it has been backed up
Excluded - Gray icon next to the file indicates that the files has been excluded from its backup set
Please switch to Classic view.
From My Norton view -> Device Security -> click Open
-> click Settings
-> Quick Controls -> Backup Status Overlays
Backup Settings -> Backup Settings Overlays