A Norton rep (on a chat) told me to reinstall the app and then Pull Down (with finger on screen, I assume)
to start a “full scan”. I did the Pull Down, but nothing happens.
I don’t see a button for any type of scan. I see lots of options for identity theft, etc. but what I want to do is
run scans on SPECIFIC files. I had some MP3 files that played, but now don’t. I want to scan them for viruses.
Windows 10 Defender used to let me do that. Then I got hacked on Windows, and a device was destroyed.
Done with it.
I’m on iOS 16.6 with an iPad Pro (gen 2) and iPhone SE (2020).
I want to install Norton on my gen 4 iPad Pro. I’m afraid if I put my Apple ID on it (from current iPad
which may have virus/es) that viruses could be installed from iCloud.
Is there a procedure to avoid this? (Or better to scan files now before installing Norton on the newer iPad.)
Seems like these steps should be documented somewhere.
I did a partial configuration of the new iPad, but haven’t put my Apple ID on it.
Should I install Norton first, and then my Apple ID? But how would I
get Norton to run without the license—which it gets from my Apple ID? Or can I use a product code?
(Is that what they’re called? I have too many terms floating around me now.)
Thanks in advance!
I did post this question on an Apple developer forum. No reply yet.
But I think it’s a fair question for the forum of a company who sells anti-virus software. Someone there must know if these files auto-run code in data files, right. Isn’t that a big part of their job—to know where their vulnerabilities are?
I don’t expect Norton users to answer this, but do want to hear from Norton AV developers. Or be pointed to info already published. I really appreciate it!
The questions you are asking about how Apple's iOS works are probably better asked on an Apple support forum. I just use my iOS devices for phone and messaging, with the very occasional internet search. I don't even have a cell data plan. I just use Wifi when possible if I need to.
You might try https://discussions.apple.com/welcome
Dear peterweb:
I couldn’t find your last reply, but I recall the gist.
You suggested that Apple’s names for file-access permissions were “clear”. That seemed very generous.
I personally don’t know what “learn from this app” means. Maybe SIRI reads this app’s files and uses it in searches? Is it stored on an Apple server? Here’s an example: say I’m writing in my journal and said “I feel like I’ve just won the lottery”. Would SIRI send me to sites where millionaires invest money if I asked for a list of banks nearby? And because I’m guessing Apple uses that kind of info in subsequent marketing it sends me, could a scammer ask for “millionaires nearby”, get my email address, and then send me phishing emails?
I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I believe I was hacked thru Pinterest or Instagram in similar fashion two years ago.
Hackers got my gmail info, including 90+ account usernames & passwords dating back to 2002. They were harassing my social media friends, trying to sell some sort of scammy product. I still am not sure that account is secure, after 5 password changes and 2FA in since then.
I do appreciate the goal of presenting me with more relevant ads, but that mechanism is abused heavily.
I ask these questions because I do wonder if hackers have written iOS-compatible code and put it in doc or graphic files. Does iOS run code embedded in these files?
I’ll be looking that up next week, as I’m too busy now. I believe that’s why Norton should provide a file scanner. But if iOS does not run code in those files, then that’s more secure. Hoping someone knows this off the top of their heads!
Sorry. What kind of code used is way above my head. All I know is unless the file is infected with code specifically targeting iOS, there is no way it could affect anything on your device. And because of the known built in security of the iOS, hackers rarely spend the time to code against it for such a small return compared to targeting Windows systems.
As for permissions. All mobile apps, iOS and Android require permissions from the OS to perform the functions provided by the app. When installing the app, these should be presented, or available in the app's description on the device's app store. They are generally clear in what they are asking. Your Siri Search permissions are to allow Siri to monitor all functions and apps on your device to enhance search results.
After reading the permission request for an app, it is up to you whether you want to go ahead and install/use that app or try to find another similar app that uses less onerous permissions.
Thanks for the empathy.
I read the article. Nothing new. I’ve known about sandboxes for over a decade. That’s largely why I’m on iOS.
They did make an important statement: “An app can only access data that you give it permission to access.”
I don’t give many apps access permission, but I have no idea what some of those permissions mean. (Couldn’t upload a screenshot of default permissions for Mail app.)
There are 7 permissions in the “SIRI & Search” menu for Mail app, for example. What do these permissions do?
•Learn from this app
•Show content in search
•Show in app
I also heard that many files can contain code:
•doc files: .rtf, .doc, .dxf?
•graphic files: .jpg, .png, etc.
Is the code Javascript, Java, Python, Jscript, …
Or do iOS apps only run code written with Swift, or C/C++ compilers?
My head is spinning. I’ll search for info about what these permissions mean, and decide whether to use them. After I spend 2 days blocking scammers from stealing my Identity, and 7 helping my son & his fam.
I haven’t had much luck getting info (except marketing fluff) from Norton chat reps.
Thanks again
Sorry to hear about your son's situation. Hope he is able to get back on track quickly.
I missed the Pro part of your iPads. As you do have the iOS 16.x.x you can install Norton on each of those devices.
An Android device would have malware protection features. But if you recorded these files on iOS, and did not move them off those devices, there should be no corruption caused by malware. When you get a chance to look at the link I gave above, it will explain in detail why and how iOS protects itself.
Thanks for speaking up, peterweb. I have some clarifications. My gen4 iPad is a Pro, so it has iOS 16.4 (or latest). So did my gen2 Pro.
I haven’t read the article you pointed me at, due to family crisis. (A son lost job, has two little ones.) I still think that Apple has a cavalier attitude about AV tools. I was hoping for one that scan’s individual files.
I ditched Windows in 2018 when I got a call saying “you have 3 minutes to call..”. I deleted the browser tab, twice, but it regenerated. Deleted process (TaskMgr), but same. Did hard Shutdown (power button and a volume key), and my Surface Pro was killed.
I had a prior report of being infected w a horrific virus—wacatac? Reviews said it could hide in Bluetooth devices, so toss em all. And also hide in clock circuit of SurfacePro. Sold it after BestBuy assured me they fully cleaned it. Buh-bye, Windows!
I recorded the audio files on iOS, and stored in iCloud. They played for about a year, then didn’t. I was thinking I could get a cheap Android tablet w recent version of OS (12 good enough?) and run the AV on individual files. But Android has all that tracking, which hackers use to hack (I’ve been told).
I did have a Samsung Chromebook for a month in 2022. Was before those audios stopped playing.
It seems like all Norton 360 does on these devices is say “your WiFi isn’t pwd-protected, so we’re turning on VPN”. But I don’t know how to verify anything. I’m calling Norton later today, to set up IdTheft.
Got a call from a clever scammer yesterday claiming my name was on pkgs w drugs & money. Only info I gave was approx date I was in TX (2017) before I told him “give me the address of a ‘Customs & BPatrol’ office where I can go in and answer more questions “. Because I think you’re not with C&BP. He got defensive/huffy and hung up. Sick of this shyte!
Again, I’ll read that article. And call Norton to set up IdTheft protection. Not sure what’s next. Thx for your help! ArchMan
If you are looking for malware scans, there is no malware protection in Norton 360 on an iOS device. See this article from howtogeek . com for an explanation of why it is not necessary.
I would go ahead and enter your Apple ID into the new device. There is no malware that could get transfered.
Windows and mobile devices obviously have different OS architectures. Any malware that affects your Windows device cannot run on a mobile OS. So there is no crossover. It is possible that whatever you had on your Windows device corrupted your MP3's. But it is nothing that can affect your iOS devices. The files may not play because of the corruption.
Don't bother trying to install Norton on your 4th gen iPad. From my search, it can only get up to iOS v10.x. Norton only supports the current 16.x and 2 previous iOS versions, 15 and 14. So you won't be able to install even if you try.