I just purchased Ghost 15.0 1PC.
I had tried to back up my computer with a Seagate Black Armor, but couldn't figure out how to recover the C drive.
So this is where I am at. I plan on formatting the 1T Black Armor external and partition it as two drives. We have two internal drives C is 320g with 36.6g used & D is 500g with 67.4g used. We are running with XP home. I would like to image the two internals on to the Black Armor. I also have a spare 320 with an enclosure so I can actually clone the C if needed.
What I am asking is if I schedule images and incremental backups can I get it to replace previous images and backups?
Something else I should bring up is that my wife is pretty much the sole user of the machine and she is working with Paint Shop Pro creating what she calls sigies, with tubes and fonts. So what I am trying to accomplish is an easy backup to be able to restore in case the operating system gets corrupted.