How to stop "Potential threat blocked" notifications from appearing for already excluded apps?

How to stop “Potential threat blocked” notifications from appearing for already excluded apps?
I don’t want to stop it completely. I still need to see it for real threats.
Why is it showing if I have already excluded the process? I have excluded it when I clicked on View Details and I have also excluded it in the Data Protector section.

When I click on View Details, I already see ‘Remove from Exclusion’ which means it’s excluded. I have to click on OK several times until it stops showing up.
This is also an app from me compiling an app with Visual Studio.

This is so annoying!

There were several Data Protector - Visual Studio related similar reports on our old Community…my saved related pages = Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.
Usual comments as I recall were = developers need to create a work-product folder and exclude that folder from Norton 360 Scans x 2 & exclude related processes from Data Protector.

Maybe, Data Protector objects to .tmp files/unsigned .tmp files created by installer/program.
I’ve needed to temporary disable Data Protector when installing known safe programs.

Note: new Community search
Lets see if new Community search link works…your side

Caveat: I’m not developer nor use Microsoft Visual Studio

Hello @Abdu
Please confirm N360 version#?

N360 v24.8 has Ransomware Protection