How to stop “Potential threat blocked” notifications from appearing for already excluded apps?
I don’t want to stop it completely. I still need to see it for real threats.
Why is it showing if I have already excluded the process? I have excluded it when I clicked on View Details and I have also excluded it in the Data Protector section.
When I click on View Details, I already see ‘Remove from Exclusion’ which means it’s excluded. I have to click on OK several times until it stops showing up.
This is also an app from me compiling an app with Visual Studio.
There were several Data Protector - Visual Studio related similar reports on our old Community…my saved related pages = Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.
Usual comments as I recall were = developers need to create a work-product folder and exclude that folder from Norton 360 Scans x 2 & exclude related processes from Data Protector.
Maybe, Data Protector objects to .tmp files/unsigned .tmp files created by installer/program.
I’ve needed to temporary disable Data Protector when installing known safe programs.