Issue abstract: communication between ArchiCAD and BIMcomponents being blocked by HTTPS scan
Detailed description: I use ArchiCAD software. They have a partnership with BIMcomponents web site which allows you to search for 3D objects within the software externally from the BIMcomponents website + drag objects directly from BIM components into the CAD software - I haven’t been able to do this for a long time and it greatly impacts my CAD experience.
ArchiCAD tech support and I, have narrowed the issue down to the HTTPS scan under the Safe web settings.
I can turn on all features under safe web and it wont let me communicate - I turn off the HTTPS scan button (leaving everything else on) and it works.
How do I stop the HTTPS scan from blocking my safe (and used by many ACAD users) site?
I have added all the URLs I can think of (and had help from the ArchiCAD tech support to add even more) to the exclusions list but the only way we can get it to work is by doing what I described above.
Product & version number: Norton 360 latest version
OS details: Windows 11
What is the error message you are seeing?
No error message - I can either communicate with BIMcomponents from ArchiCAD or not.
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
thanks for your reply.
yes. I added as many url’s to the exclusion list i could think of.
I included a www. before the graphisoft and the bimcomponents, so I just added the url without it and it still doesnt help.
Regardless of it being to do with archicad or bimcomponents - it is definitely the HTTPS scanning that prevents the communication between these two sites.
I am not computer savvy at all - but research says the HTTPS scan is scanning encrypted sites and if not verified as safe with norton they are blocked. However the norton search engine identifies bith site as safe with their big green tick.
My ArchiCAD tech support cant do anymore because they say it is norton now - which it definitely is - if I cant get help through the community, do you know where can I go next?
sorry - I did not follow the false negative and positives link before i replied to you - I just did that, and it looks like thats what I have to do…
Sorry - I will follow that lead now.