I have an internet connection but Norton tells me I do not

I have an internet connection and Norton seems to be functioning normally (for example, I can do live updates and scans). *Except* Norton software updater does not work and tells me I have no internet connection. If I do a Smart Scan, the network connection check tells me I don't have an internet connection. If I reboot the computer the software updater and network check will work normally. Next day, they are  telling me again that I have no internet connection.

I have used the NRnR tool and this behavior persists. Why does Norton sometimes fail to detect that I have an internet connection? I am using Windows 11.

Does it just say no network connection or do you also have an error?

What is the network trust on all your devices?

I would try this:

Remove Norton with NRNR remove only
Remove all Norton files from your PC:
- Clear Norton Directory
- Delete Norton in %programdata% 
- Deleted temp + %temp%     
- Check in search for Norton, delete all files that are left over

After this download Norton from direct link norton.com/cspn360
Live Update a few times

Hope this helps...

@Nathan Peeters: thank you. I found a suggestion elsewhere to use NRnR with remove only, and tried that with no improvement to  the issue. I have the trust level set the same way it is on my 3 other computers (2 Windows 10, one Windows 11) and Norton has never had the described problem on those other computers. The problem is limited to one Windows 11 machine, which was set up from new a few months ago.

You can also try to change the trust level of your network:


Have you used the NRNR tool with REMOVE ONLY?


Step 5 option 2 Remove Only

I am not using a VPN.

Do you have a VPN enabled?