What can I do about receiving so many spam emails for ads etc. for every 1 email i receive 10 spams just hate this time wasting excercise of having to delete every day. Is there anything I can do or is a program such as adblock any good? I am using Windows Live mail. I do have Norton Antispam which adds Norton Antispam to the beginnig of every spam message, please keep the spam I really do not wish to share it with Norton.
What can I do about receiving so many spam emails for ads etc. for every 1 email i receive 10 spams just hate this time wasting excercise of having to delete every day. Is there anything I can do or is a program such as adblock any good? I am using Windows Live mail. I do have Norton Antispam which adds Norton Antispam to the beginnig of every spam message, please keep the spam I really do not wish to share it with Norton.
Antispam programs are supposed to mark suspicious messages as spam and move them, if desired, to the Junk folder or a special spam folder in your email program. No antispam program should, by default, remove or block suspected spam because doing so would cause an occasional loss of a legitimate message that was mistaken for spam. You ALWAYS want to review everything that an antispam program flags before deleting anything.
I also use Windows Live Mail and recently experienced the same problem with one of my email accounts. Previously, I had the spam filter for all my email addresses turned off at my ISP and with Yahoo & Gmail. When emails were download to WLM, WLM would use it's own internal scanner and move the potential Spam messages to it's own Junk E-mail folder. I would review and delete the obvious Spam messages multiple times a day. It did get time consuming.
I decided for the one email address that was getting the Spam to log into the email account at my ISP and turn their Spam filter 'on' for that one account. I now log into that email account at the ISP and check the Spam folder every week or two to make sure no legitimate emails got caught and then to delete the Spam messages.
Spam is an unfortunate side effect to using any email.