I have installed Norton 360 version 3.0 on two computers .
I have backed up these two computers to my external hard drive
The problem that I have is as follows ,when I open the external hard drive ,I see the Norton 360 folder and when I open that folder it displays letters and numbers relating to the backups .The one item that is missing is how do I tell what backup belongs to what computer . This information would definitly be necessary when a hard drive failure.
I have tried to get an answer to this through Norton online support ,chat sessions and a telephone call today that disconnected .
Hi Kelltom,
You cannot recognize the backedup files/folders by directly navigating through your external drives. The Norton 360 stores the data in an encrypted format and the restoration is possible only through Norton 360. The name of backup sets will be different for two computers. You can recognize the backup set for each computer using it's name. Also, when you go to restore settings in Norton 360, it will also show the backup sets available with the date in which each backup set has got created. So, if any hard drive failure happens, you may need to reinstall Norton 360, configure backup settings, connect the external drive and restore the required files/folders through the Norton 360.
Hi Kelltom -
If you want to view the contents of your network share backup data and have Norton 360 Version 3 installed you can go to the new Norton Backup Drive to view your data. The Norton Backup Drive exists under "My Computer" and contains all of the backup sets that it can find that are currently attached to your computer. This includes Online, CD/DVD, Network Share, USB, and local drive backups. In the Norton Backup Drive you can add, explore, delete, restore, and even preview the files in your backup set.
Thanks for the response
When you say I can recognize them by the names ,that's the problem I have .
Let's say for example the names of the computers in question are Family room and Den, would these names appear in the backup or is there a way I can name them.
The backups as they stand now are not named,they contain just a string of letters and numbers.
I can wipe that backup and start over without causing a problem, if there is a way to correct this .
Hi Kelltom -
I understand your problem now.
What you want is to rename your backup sets to Family room, Den, etc for example.
To do this you can go to the Manage Backup Sets page under the Backup pillar on the main Norton 360 window.
From there you can select each Backup set under the first tab in the Backup Set Name drop down dialog, and then click the Rename Backup Set button on the right side of the same tab.
Each backup set will now be renamed properly to whatever identifier you choose and this identifier will appear in both the Restore window and in the Norton Backup Drive.