Unable to make Identity Safe works, it asks if I have a vault, type in my credentials, and does not open it. It is annoying. planning on not renewing in 5 days if problem persits.
Please let us know how you make out with the Support session.
BTW. The Identity Safe app for Android is free. So you are not wasting anything. There would be a fee for the Norton Mobile Security app for your Android if Comcast does not supply it. But the two apps are not connected in any way on mobile platforms.
That’s what they told me…
Thank you both, I’m getting help directly from Norton now, tech was surprised that after seeing my Vault opened, Norton keeps telling I didnt have one. Will post updates.
Check your pc in the my documents and look for Norton I’d safe vault to see if you have a back up stored there.
If you have create a new vault on the pc and you will get asked if you want to transfer data
From a back up click on that and then click on the e mail addy you have storedone in the I’D vault back up.
Job done.
Now check your phone and sign in as normal.
Peter web will be able to advice more I think
Thanks PASH02, just read your link and prob is exactly the same. I had a vault on my PC and worked just fine with my previous phone (S7 edge), but at some point, when swapping phone to new S8, that vault data was lost on my PC -I still don't know how, and do not think the swap had to do with it, I just mentioned it cause it was the moment I realized of the lost vault data. I learned about the backup, on how to create it, not that might had an old copy saved, in anycase I started a new vault on my PC. But when trying to activate it on my phone, it just don't work, keeps telling to create one, if not to contact support, that's when you hit the link and brings you to the Forum. My subscription is due in 6 days, but if I don't get this to work, I might as well not cough up the $15-20 bucks for it, useless, and Norton nowadays works in a way that you really don't know if it actually works. I bought the Mobile subscription since Comcast gives you the PC version for free, so I might just go Norton-less on my phone, or contact Norton via chat.
…tried with no luck.
Thanks PETERWEB. I’m on a S8 running Android 7. I’ll follow your suggestion and report back.
This is sounds like the same issue that I had https://community.norton.com/en/forums/vault-issues-android-0#comment-7457631
I see you are on Android. What device are you using and what Android version?
Try going to Android Settings - Apps. Scroll to the Norton Identity Safe app and clear the app cache and app Data. Restart the device. Then test to see if things work properly.