Identity Safe & NIS2009 disaapeared by itself

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Hi Eraserone

I don't know about the identity safe but the other day my little Norton icon disappeared off the tray(I think that's what you call it,near the clock)It only disappeared for a little while a few seconds.Can't recall what I was doing at the time .But all seems OK .

Cheers Mo

Message Edited by mo on 10-08-2008 12:10 PM

mo wrote:

Hi Eraserone

I don't know about the identity safe but the other day my little Norton icon disappeared off the tray(I think that's what you call it,near the clock)It only disappeared for a little while a few seconds.Can't recall what I was doing at the time .But all seems OK .

Cheers Mo

Message Edited by mo on 10-08-2008 12:10 PM

Thanks for your reply,


Maybe it was a fluke or a glitch that it disappeared, but i couldn't open NIS2009, Had to reboot computer to get it working again..Weird

Did it disappear completely or was it auto hidding? By default Windows Auto Hides inactive icons in the taskbar.

Eraserone wrote:

mo wrote:

Hi Eraserone

I don't know about the identity safe but the other day my little Norton icon disappeared off the tray(I think that's what you call it,near the clock)It only disappeared for a little while a few seconds.Can't recall what I was doing at the time .But all seems OK .

Cheers Mo

Message Edited by mo on 10-08-2008 12:10 PM

Thanks for your reply,


Maybe it was a fluke or a glitch that it disappeared, but i couldn't open NIS2009, Had to reboot computer to get it working again..Weird

Yes, you're correct, I had experience this issue many times before and I think Symantec knows about it and is issuing a fix for it (I saw a thread about this issue, but cannot rememeber where).  But I do not know when.

Maybe Symantec employee can give more details.

Dieselman743 wrote:
Did it disappear completely or was it auto hidding? By default Windows Auto Hides inactive icons in the taskbar.

It Completely disappeared, Couldn't even open NIS2009 by going to Start- ALL Programs then Norton internet security 2009.

Sea_Monster wrote:

Eraserone wrote:

mo wrote:

Hi Eraserone

I don't know about the identity safe but the other day my little Norton icon disappeared off the tray(I think that's what you call it,near the clock)It only disappeared for a little while a few seconds.Can't recall what I was doing at the time .But all seems OK .

Cheers Mo

Message Edited by mo on 10-08-2008 12:10 PM

Thanks for your reply,


Maybe it was a fluke or a glitch that it disappeared, but i couldn't open NIS2009, Had to reboot computer to get it working again..Weird

Yes, you're correct, I had experience this issue many times before and I think Symantec knows about it and is issuing a fix for it (I saw a thread about this issue, but cannot rememeber where).  But I do not know when.

Maybe Symantec employee can give more details.



Anyone have an answer to my first question? :-)

On my computer:


If IU asks for a password and I mistype it, it won't ask again until

a.  I move to another page; or

b.  I reload that page.


Once, I started confusing my IU password with my Norton Account password and I experienced exactly what you are describing.


But there is a test to see if this is happening.


       If after you enter your password, IU fills in the data on the page, then you know your password took and you have a different issue.

       But if after you enter your password, IU does not fill in the data requested on the page, then it is snubbing you for trying to get by its defenses.  Check your password.

Hi Eraserone,

You can go to  Identity Safe>Settings

From there you can change your password and other things also.

I have found that there are times it pops up when unneeded so I close it out. No harm. For some reason there was a period that it happened quite often,which was within the past couple of months, when there was nothing to fill out. But  it got to the point that when I did need it , it would not pop up. If that happens you can go to Identity Safe, at least I did and when it scrolled down I clicked it off and waited and it came on for me. I hope this helps.

Hi Dieselman

regarding the disappearing icon mine disappears from the bottom right corner,it happened again today while I was in msconfig checking what was on start up,when I closed out of msconfig I noticed it missing however it did not seem to interfere with Nortons functionality I could still open NIS2009 from the desktop shortcut.I opened task manager and it reappeared.Coincidence?one of lifes little mysteries?:smileyvery-happy:

Cheers Mo

Gypsygrace wrote:

Hi Eraserone,

You can go to  Identity Safe>Settings

From there you can change your password and other things also.

I have found that there are times it pops up when unneeded so I close it out. No harm. For some reason there was a period that it happened quite often,which was within the past couple of months, when there was nothing to fill out. But  it got to the point that when I did need it , it would not pop up. If that happens you can go to Identity Safe, at least I did and when it scrolled down I clicked it off and waited and it came on for me. I hope this helps.

Thanks i'll give that a try, If it keeps happening maybe i'll just not use a password...

Not sure if this will help, but I had the similar problem before with the NIS icon disappearing in the netvigation taskbar (bottom right corner).  But, mine only disappears after I go into the “settings” functions within the main UI.  My problem was because NIS 2009 conflicts with a program called, Dr Eye, where it adds a “msn plug-in” at bootup.  Look in the startup tab within msconfig to see if you have this program at startup.  If the program exists then unselect it… then reboot.  For my case, it resolves the problem.  If it still exists, you can always revert back in msconfig again.

johnnyay wrote:
Not sure if this will help, but I had the similar problem before with the NIS icon disappearing in the netvigation taskbar (bottom right corner).  But, mine only disappears after I go into the "settings" functions within the main UI.  My problem was because NIS 2009 conflicts with a program called, Dr Eye, where it adds a "msn plug-in" at bootup.  Look in the startup tab within msconfig to see if you have this program at startup.  If the program exists then unselect it.. then reboot.  For my case, it resolves the problem.  If it still exists, you can always revert back in msconfig again.

Thanks for your reply,


Don't even know what Dr Eye is, But its not on my startup list, And i haven't had NIS disappeared since i posted my first message.. So like i said in my previous post, probably a glitch.. But thanks for trying to help.

No problem Eraserone, it was a long shot anyways.  Dr Eye is an obscure program… but, I have two XPs with the consistent problem (both NIS 2009 and Dr Eye), so hope that the help desk is taking note.

Also i had to reboot my computer a few minutes ago noticing NIS2009 icon wasnt on the taskbar next to the system clock, and i click on start then programs then click on norton internet security to open it and wouldn't open, Rebooted computer and its back on the taskbar and seems to be working again, but any ideas to why it disappeared by itself with no warning.. maybe just a glitch hopefully and won't happen again.. just thought i would post this to see if it happen to anyone else,The way i found out it wasn't there because i use FireFox 3 and clicked onthe Cards & Log-ins on the Nortons toolbar and nothing would happen there be no drop down menu. and then noticed no nis icon on taskbar, just weird this happen.


I'm also experiencing this issue. :smileysad: I can't open NIS 2009 when this happens and have to restart my computer to get it to work. >.<


Hopefully there will be a fix for this soon. :/

Message Edited by Snowbunnie on 10-12-2008 12:26 PM



You are describing a regular issue I had with Norton many years ago, but almost never since.  It also occurred occasionally (earlier) with McAfee.  I never solved the McAfee problem, which is why I switched to Norton.  The way I solved the Norton problem was a compete uninstall (and today that would include using the removal tool), then reinstall.  I know you're probably tired of even contemplating such a move, but ...



My tray icon disappears regularly and predictably, also.  It is not hidden - it disappears.  When the tray icon disappears, the desktop icon is no longer functional because the NIS service has stopped (erroneously).  It virtually always stops after doing background tasks.  If you have the problem, just restart the NIS service and waits a few seconds and everything returns to normal(?) - the tray icon reappears and the desktop icon becomes functional once more.   I have observed the failures of the  program for over a month, and communicated with Symantec. Symantec has fixed nothing.


I have used the NIS Removal Tool oh so many times with NIS 2009 reinstallation.  I have completely cleaned up the NIS and Symantec files on my PC and removed all from the registry and begun the reinstallation process once more.  Nothing changes.  NIS 2009 has problems.


Unfortunately, I have no idea if my computer is truly protected when the tray icon is present at this point.  For sure, it is not protected when the tray icon disappears.  For instance, everything looks normal and background tasks have just presumably terminated, but the tray icon disappears.  I can just turn on the NIS service once again, but I have no confidence that the background tasks were truly completed at the time of failure.  I restart the service and background tasks take place once more, appearing quite normal, but that doesn't mean that everything is normal and I suspect it is not.  I fear that my protection is limited.


If I change the settings within the NIS service properties in recovery tab so that NIS restarts after second failure, all will appear normal to the casual observer, but absolutely is not normal.  You will see that the service always appears to be restarted by looking at the CPU page of the NIS GUI.  The graph should always be full up when the PC has been in operation for 90 minutes continuously.  Mine is never full unless I am interacting with the PC without the 10 minute lapse, thus not allowing the background task process to take place.


My case is not unusual. Judging by what I have read, there must be thousands of these cases.  Symantec needs to get to the bottom of this problem.  I have used NIS and NAV for years without problems.  Yes, previous editions were slow, but no problems otherwise.  NIS 2009 should have a way to let us know more information during the background task work. Each user should be able to know what tasks NIS is going to do, the progress of each task and confirmation of completion of each task in a small dialog box just like on previous issues of NIS. 


I hope someone at Symantec reads this and expresses some interest.  In the meantime, I would like a copy of the setup file for NIS 2008.  Is there any way to get one.  Like a dummy, I dumped mine when I loaded NIS 2009 believing (erroneously) that NIS 2009 was ready for the big time.


Thanks for your time and any help will be greatly appreciated.




XP SP3, IE 7, Firefox 3


Dell Dimension

Intel Pentium 4 HT 3 GHz

No other active security program