Identity Safe passwords etc

My PC crashed lost everything and had to re install win 7 , had identity data on a portable drive , can i transfer these logins and passwords to my pc  so i dont have to keep using portable drive.



no just the portable identity safe data on an sd card

Hi barryo18,


If you want to transfer portable profile identity safe data to local profile, Please follow below instructions.


1.Connect your SDcard to PC

2.Login to your portable profile and take a back up of identity safe data (follow instructions from below link)


3.Create local profile and Restore identity safe data( refer the same(above) link to restore identitysafe data)


Hope this helps and let us know your result




have tried to create a new local profile but this option is disabled, i can only create a new portable profile. can i transfer the portable profile data to my existing local profile data?



Yes, You can transfer your portable profile data to your existing local profile.


1.Login to your portable profile and take a back up of identity safe data (follow instructions from below link)


2.Login to your existing local profile and Restore identity safe data( refer the same(above) link to restore identitysafe data)


Note: Before restoring portable profile to local, If you have new set of identity safe data in local profile,take backup of local profile too.





Hope this is the right place to ask this, and hope what I ask makes sense.

My search engine is Google.  Until a few days ago there was a Norton search engine above that.

I could click on the ID Safe tab, a drop down let me log on to ID safe so when I opened a site

that required a password it would automatically fill in the info to take me to the site.

That disappeard from the tool bar, now I have to open Norton, manage logons, scroll

to the site I want to log into, open and copy the password, then hide password and

manually fill it in.

Obviously a pain in the gazoo.  I'm certain it's simple to restore it, but,

it isn't simple if I don't know how.  I fact I don't even know how it got there

in the first place.  I just updated to 2012 version, if that has anything to do with it. Appreciate some help.

Hi Thegoat,


Could you provide the Browser type(IE/FF) with version.


Are you able to view the toolbar in browser? If you are not able  view the toolbar,Try following options


In FF, Go to Tools->Addons->Extensions-> If Nortontool bar,Norton Vulnerability Protection addons are not enabled, click enable and Restart FF


In IE,Go to Tools, Manage addons-> If Nortontool bar,Norton Vulnerability Protection addons are not enabled, click enable and Restart IE


Hope this helps,




Thanks soooo much. works fine.

You  are welcome,


Glad to know that your problem is solved:smileyhappy:




My PC crashed lost everything and had to re install win 7 , had identity data on a portable drive , can i transfer these logins and passwords to my pc  so i dont have to keep using portable drive.

