Identity Safe - "Please log in with Norton Account password" on phone after having used fingerprint and/or PIN

Contacted support numerous times about Identity Safe demanding the Norton account password; after having used the fingerprint option or the PIN, on my phone. They requested that I reinstall the App. I followed their direction with no change. I have also had this problem on two different Android tablets and one Windows 10 PC.

Considering that I used a 12-16 digit password (random characters) for my password, I have ended up having to send myself an email with that password. This gets confusing, especially if I have to log in to my email, as it's password is ALSO in the IS Vault. :/ I have ended up having to use Lastpass just to store the email AND the Norton passwords.

Support asked that I don't contact them again, but to put my request here.


What happens sometimes, is that there is some kind of Norton Account login session time out. I have not used the app enough to be able to pay attention to the time involved. 

I have seen the same behavior. I open the app, am asked for my vault password, then get the session expired message and have to sign in again. This behavior is probably a security 'feature', so you do not have the Norton Account login live forever. 

Not sure if this can affect your issue, but have you restarted the phone?