Identity safe will not log into Citibank

My Identity safe login does not work for Citibank online as Citi reports that my login information is incorrect.  This happens in Win 7 on my pc using foxfire, on my iphone or ipad.  If I manually login from safari or on my pc, everything works correctly.  I am on ios 8.2 with the latest norton app.  Windows 7 also is current.  

The password is blank in the yellow to show that ID safe is trying to set it.  My only work around is to manually copy the password and paste it into the correct place.  On windows, I must also close the safe after copying the login 1st.  Then I am informed that a new site has been added to my list.  Does anyone know of a way that I can adjust this?  My bank locked me out for trying to many times because when I paste in the password and click enter, the password is overriden (i believe) with something else.