I'm Furious

I spent what seemed like forever yesterday trying to get chat support with a Norton tech.  I have been receiving an ever-increasing flood of SPAM and wanted to know why my Norton 360 was not putting a dent in it. 

I had a terrible time even making a connection with chat.  After many false starts that were terribly frustrating and time-consuming, a tech told me how to use Norton and assured me that I should be seeing positive results immediately.

Hah!  Since then, the onslaught has only gotten worse!

Upon further investigation, I now see that Norton does NOT work with my SSL-encrypted e-mail client (Microsoft Outlook 2010).  Why did the tech not know that.  He could certainly see what client I was using when he took over my computer.

So the question really is this:  What should I do when my subscription is up for renewal?  This experience has destroyed my confidence in Norton.