I'm the owner of a blacklisted site. Have registered my account. Registeration email does not arrive

I'm the owner of a site which is listed by Norton as having malware. After registering with Norton to ask for revaluation, I was suppoed to get an email with instructions how to protest this mindless action. The email does not arrive (yes my email works and I have checked the spam filter)


I have another email address that I would like to try but it seems like once you register as a user, Norton does not let you change email addresses. GREAT job Norton. How is this supposed to work?


I would like to delete my profile, establish a new one so that I can use my other e-mail account. It's a mystery how you delete a user profile? My suspision is that my email must be verified. It's hard to do when you don't get an email.


Norton used to be a great company.