Installed Apple & Quicktime software updates and Norton 360 6.1 needs attention!



I just got an Apple software update for QuickTime Player and iTunes. I installed the updates and while these updates where installing I the "Needs Attention" message from Norton 360 6.1 so I decided to see what it was and it ran a quick scan. Once completed it showed that there where no threats found and went back to secure. Can somebody please tell my why this happened because I find it very suspicious that Norton would say that from an Apple update. Just so everybody knows I am using a Dell studio 1558 laptop using a Windows 7 operating system and I haven't turned it on in a week so therefore there where a bunch of updates to install from Norton, Windows 7, and Apple. I haven't updated the Windows 7 system yet but I want somebody to help me with this issue first so I know that nothing is wrong. 


Please help!



Hi ACS4500,


I think you can relax.  Norton Quick Scans are considered a high priority item that need to be run at least every few days.  When a system has been turned off for an extended period, one of the first things that Norton detects is that a Quick Scan is way overdue.  This will cause the "Needs Attention" alert you saw,  Running the scan makes Norton happy and everything comes up green checkmarks for Norton's status again.  I'm sure your issue was just a matter of needing to get a scan done.  I see this often on one of my machines, as well.

Ok thank you!