Installing Norton on Chromebook

How do I install anti-virus on a Lenovo Chromebook?

Default install is either Windows, macOS, Android or iOS. No other options.

Norton webpage won't accept my mobile number as it is incorrect format but doesn't show what a correct format is.

Chatbot is useless.

Can somebody advise? Thanks



Norton webpage won't accept my mobile number as it is incorrect format but doesn't show what a correct format is.

mobile number for Two Factor Authentication &or mobile number for personal details?
for example: this format works, my side
United States +1  ###-###-####

fwiw ~ entering valid phone number as +1  ########## populates as +1  ###-###-####

Caveat: I do not use 2FA, have PII nor billing profile with my Norton account. 

as always, your mileage may vary

Chatbot is useless.

Please allow all Norton pages content.
Please turn ad/content-blocker & VPN off.  
Please allow all Norton cookies/ads/scripts/frames/trackers/beacons/etc.
Please allow all Norton pages content that may be blocked by browser extension &or built-in browser protection. 

Please allow all Norton pages content in order to provide the best experience possible. 

  • In Chat dialog as soon as you can type text -> type "Live Agent" -> until you see "I am transferring you to a specialist for further assistance". 

What's your geo-location/country?  Are you United States?
Maybe, I can post Norton Support phone number, if you want.  

How do I install anti-virus on a Lenovo Chromebook? 

Chromebooks are not officially supported by Norton because of the proprietary Chrome OS being used. Although a variant of the Android OS, there are enough changes to make Norton apps incompatible.

Here is a Google support article on the protection included with a Chromebook. 

Chromebook, Amazon devices (Kindle/Fire), and Huawei devices are unsupported. 


fwiw ~
The 5 Best Antivirus Software for Chromebooks in 2023 is external)

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