I have 360 installed and the virus needs to be renewed. I saw how much it cost and went out and bought a new 2012. Can I install it and not lose the rest of 360? It's telling me when I went to install that the old will be deleted. Are they just talking about the virus or all of 360?
I have 360 installed and the virus needs to be renewed. I saw how much it cost and went out and bought a new 2012. Can I install it and not lose the rest of 360? It's telling me when I went to install that the old will be deleted. Are they just talking about the virus or all of 360?
If youinstall NIS or NAV 2012 on top of Norotn 360 it will remove the N 360 since you should not have two security programs at the same time.
If you have a virus that Norton 360 has not stopped or removed then give us some details of your system and we can help you get it removed without charge .... hopefully.
It will help to have some information about your system --
What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit as well as the Name and Version ID of the Norton product that you are using -- Help or Support / About is where that is, in the format of nn.nn.nn.nnn where n is a number.
If you have the COMCAST version of Norton 360 / Security Suite and not the normal commercial version please be sure to tell us.
If you get any error messages please give the exact wording of them as well as any other background that could be helpful.
Please also say what internet browser you are using -- name and version number ...
There is a route for you to get your money back for the copy of NIS/NAV 2012 you bought .... or you could remove N 360 and use the more modern security engines ... Do you have much unexpired time on your N 360?
Let's do one set of steps at a time so some more information please ....
Installing NIS or NAV over top of N360 is often not as successful as it could be due to the other components involved. It really is best to remove it after saving your logins.
Installing any antivirus software into an infected system is also rarely successful as often the malware tries to prevent the installation, or corrupts it. It would be much better to get cleaned up first, and as mentioned by Huwyngr, provide a few more details.