Intall issues



I am having trouble with installation. I first set up a family account on the website and added two kids. Then I emailed myself the link and installed the client on my son's MacBook Air (running OS X 10.8.4 and Firefox 23.0.1). During the install, it connected to our family account successfully, but it did not find any child accounts. I clicked Add Child and added the child during the client install.


Once the install was successful, I restarted the laptop, allowed it to install the Firefox Extension, and I now see the Norton QuickMenu at the top of the screen. However, under Norton Family, it says my son is NOT being monitored. When I click Edit Accounts, and sign in, I see my son's local account in the Associate Children window, but under "Norton Family account" no accounts are listed; the only choice is "Not assigned".


When I log in to the website, I see two copies of my son's profile (presumably the one I created initially on the website and the one created during the client install), neither one of which is associated to a computer. When I attempt to associate them with the computer user account under Profile and click Save, it just reverts back to unassociated.


I also noticed that the family account does not have a name or avatar, and when I click Manage Account, there is a message which states "Error retrieving parent profile". When I update the parent profile information and click Save, I get an error screen which says

"Sorry, An error has occurred on the server. Please, try your request again later.

An error has occurred with our service, your data is safe, but for your protection and to prevent any possible loss of data your request was halted. The error has been logged and reported and we will look into it shortly.

Please return to the home page and log in again. If the problem persists, contact us for assistance."


What's worse, I cannot get to any websites on my son's computer at all, until I uninstall Norton Family.


I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times, clearing the browser cache, even unsubsribing from the Norton Family service (deleting all the data and settings). I have tried setting up using a different email address (Norton account) but still have the same issues. Please advise.


