interaction between Norton Security and Simple Pass on HP laptops

I recently added a new laptop in our family and needed to move from a 3-user license to a 5-user license.  In doing so, I was convinced to move to the newer Norton Security.  Since installing this product on two laptops, I have spent hours troubleshooting.  

The symptoms on the two laptops are different but both related to how Norton Security interacts with the Simple Pass that is installed on the HP laptops.

On first laptop (which came with McAfee as trial software), when you navigated to a website that needed a login, an error something like OpBHO64 appeared.  If you tried to click out of it, the cursor was lost and you had to Cntl_ALT-Del to regain control.  I chatted with Norton and they had no solution except to turn to HP.  The HP forums threads that acknowledge this problem, basically suggest moving to another security program.

The second laptop was successfully running Norton 360.  After removing that to install Norton Security, I found that the finger sensor was no longer working.  I researched this issue on the HP forum and found that other people have experienced this too.  Some people seemed to think the problem arose in the removal of Norton 360. 

I am frustrated that two major players in the laptop technology arena can't make their products compatible or at least have ready answers on overcoming the problems.   I don't expect that installing security software results in 8-10 hours of frustration that hasn't resulted in a solution.  Is moving back to the McAfee that the laptops shipped with the best answer?