Internal Server Error & 500 error

I'm one of ten team captains in a Sports Club. One of my tasks is to frequently access a new website that shows our fixtures, results, player averages and so on and I input our results there. In other words all the info that a team captain needs to manage a team. We have teams in ten local Leagues; for one of them, access to the Results etc website is via that Leagues home page of their website.

When I tried to log on yesterday I got this error screen:

HDVBA server error 2017-06 19th redacted.pngI reported the problem, having gone vie IE11 and Chrome with the same result. The Webmaster says he has no such problem - some of my team have problems and others don't.

Is there any way that the problem is with our PC and our browser rather than with the website? (The Webmaster is disinclined to check the server error log at the moment.)

I haven't violated any rules for that site. If I had and I was banned, is this screen the one I would see when I tried to log on?





Thanks all.

I've found that the windows dnscache causing more problems than is solves, so I usually disable it.

Thanks for the link to clearing DNS. I've printed out pages 1-2 and 4-5 for future reference.

AMOI -- does one then have to enter a command line instruction to repopulate or is one relying on the system to do this automatically?

Hi Taffy you may have to clear your dns cashe  I have seen this problem before and clearing the dns cashe fixed the problem . One way is to use ccleaner it has a setting to clean the dns cashe on your computer note the check box in ccleaner is not checked  you have to do it your self . Also here is a web site to go for more ways clear your dns cashe NOTE scroll down the page if you need to clear your browsers to the browser section .

500 Internal Server Error

How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error