Intrusion Prevention and PS3

Hello, Im on vista64 with Windows media player 11, sharing video files to my ps3 (all systems fully updated)

Ok everything works fine on most of the video files until in some of the files theres a hiccup that sets off Norton with a warning of "HTTP Suspicous Executable Image Download" which hangs the video in the PS3, exiting playback.  It thinks my computer's IP is the one originating the attack, so I opened the port in Firewall for the connection to the PS3 described by the Security History, but (unsuprisingly) no change.

The video file in question plays fine in Windows Media player and dosent cause any intrusion alarms, virus warnings etc.  It seems to only occur when i try to play the file on the PS3.

When I turn off Intrusion Prevention the file plays fine.  (if you are familiar with ps the this means I can do Scene Search in the ps3 and view frames that were before a grey [?] box).  When i turn Intrusion Prevention back on the problem comes back, repeatable.

NAV help file says "You might receive repeated notifications about possible attacks. If you know that the attacks that trigger these notifications are safe, you can create an exclusion for the attack signature that matches the benign activity."  With Intrusion Prevention ON i unchecked the box next to "HTTP Suspicous Executable Image Download" under Intrusion Exclusions, then tried the video on the PS3 and it worked fine. 

Problem solved? Hmm well im not so sure as to disable it this way could still open my computer up to High risk scripts on the net... can anyone suggest a better way (firewall & ports...tried that but maybe i missed something)?  I wish the Network Map gave some kind of an option for the PS3 device but im only on a basic Norton Antivirus.

If you are on Norton Antivirus, there is no firewall to configure.  You might need to have a look in Windows firewall, or whatever other stand alone firewall that you are using.  You have configured Norton Intrusion prevention only for that file that you checked as allowed, but it does not function as a firewall.