Invalid Package File

When I try to install Norton Security And Anti Virus on my phone (details below) the file downloads but instalation fails with an error " Package file is invalid" message.

Phone - Alcatel One Touch 4010X

Firmware - 2.3.6

Baseband version -

Build number - Gingerbread

Customised version - 010 20 country GB

If I try to 'push' the download via Google Play Store I'm told Norton Security and Anti Virus is compatible with 2.3 and above so it should be OK.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'll ask my contacts if anything has been done about this issue. It is a long weekend in the US, so do not expect any news until sometime next week at the earliest.

Hi peterweb,

Has this issue been fixed yet? I've just been invited to renew my (5 devices) subscription and paying good money for a service that doesn't work properly on two of those devices seems, on the face of it, a bit foolish.

I haven't responded to any prompts for updates since reinstalling (I expect I'd only get the same error message) but GooglePlay online still suggests that this product works on "2.3 and up" ....
