Is there NAV/NIS 19 5 0 145 executable file?

Is there NAV/NIS executable file (without step to download Norton installer that downloads by itself several files) to install directly latest version without step with buggy istaller update to 19.5? I mean offline/standalone installer.

And which languages are exists?

Hi Niko233,


See FAQ 3 here:


When it's available outside of LiveUpdate, we'll update that announcement. 

probably it is downloader/installer, not single file for offline installation. to download it again on some machines takes 120-140 MB of traffic. not so fast by 1mbit/sec channel (about 25 minutes) and not so cheap also.


thanks, we will monitor that thread.

file already is and that is for a long time...

English version of NIS


English version of NIS





Hi Jim,


Downloaded Italian version





PhoneMan, that link I was looking for and found than posted that it exists for a long time. but thanks, it is just the same.


Sandro_cm, you posted non direct link and that site did not provide single executable file after download.

Hi Niko233,


I've been downloaded from that site full exe file " nis-esd-19-5-0-145-IT.exe " size 113 mb, installed without any problems.



Oh, Sadro_cm, sorry for my previuos talk about your message.

Then I use that site earlier with nis-18  builds and nis-19-0-1-28? it is always downloads nis executable about 40 MB + dll about 1-2 MB + 70-80 MB of smart virus definitions. so earier it was 3 files always. I thought that for now is it just the same. Thanks for first and second answer!