Issue Installing on iPhone in China

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What is the error message you are seeing? My Norton Account tells me I have 4 or 5 devices when I only have 3. I can’t install the VPN on my Phone in China without being connected to the internet. I can’t be connected here without VPN. I reinstalled my old VPN to get connected. I was able to install and install what ever information it needs. (It installs automatically all necessary components." But it won’t connect successfully. My AStrill works fine, but it’s about to expire and I don’t want to renew my account for $300 for 3 devices. Any suggestions?1 I have one more day of my Astrill account.

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Per this Norton Support article, Norton no longer supports their products in China. Norton products are temporarily not available in China

And this article from 2020 is for the Android version, but I would suggest the same information goes for the iOS version. End-of-availability of Norton Mobile Security for Android in China . So from this article it would seem you could still use the products if they were already installed. But if you uninstall, you would no longer be able to reinstall.

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