Known malicious website

I received an e-mail from an association of which I am a member, inviting me to vote online in their annual general meeting, and providing a link to perform that vote. On clicking the link the next screen was a warning from Norton that the site to which the link led was a "known dangerous website". The web address of this screen was as follows:-


I then telephoned the association and established that the AGM was being held and their e-mail was genuine. Now the Norton warning screen included a button whereby one could ignore the warning and proceed to the website. So I clicked on this button but the next screen was the same warning screen as before, with the exact same web address. Thus I had gone around in a circle. Is this caused by Norton or by the Association having the AGM?

The following are copies from within my “Settings”:


Device name   User-PC

Processor         Intel(R) Celeron(R) G4930 CPU @ 3.20GHz   3.19 GHz

Installed RAM 4,00 GB (3,68 GB usable)

Device ID       [withheld by Community poster for security reasons]

Product ID      [withheld by Community poster for security reasons]

System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display



Edition Windows 10 Pro

Version            21H2

Installed on     ‎[withheld by Community poster for security reasons]

OS build          19044.2728

Experience      [withheld by Community poster for security reasons]