Komplettes Laufwerk/Laufwerksbiuchstaben aus Scan ausschließen -.how exclude a complete drive

Note: I did see
There is no valid path selected. trying to Add E

fwiw ~ the process feels better adding one at a time

Yes only one.Before the current update of the Norton software, I had already excluded 2 complete drives from all scans. These are also in the list. But in the future I would like to continue to have the option of excluding internal drives.

Small interim success. I changed the DPI in the Norton *.exe under Properties and can now see everything. Even “Don’t offer”. But that’s not so important right now. But as I said, I still need to know how to exclude a complete drive from all scans. Why do You see "Path? I can’t see that. Oh no, sorry i can see Path. But only Path and not a letter.


D is my internal data drive

Okay, mine too. Okay, thank you all for help. But now I must go. I will try it tomorrow again.

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Maybe, your setup is too sophisticated for Norton.
tomorrow … I’m curious what the red x signifies?
Y & Z are the external card reader?
Does red x signify the external card reader is not scannable?

The red x are only network drives from my mediaplayer. And the mediaplayer ist not on. When I turn on the media player everything is green

They are not interesting,

Okay…never mind the red x.
Maybe, your setup is too sophisticated for Norton.
Sorry, your setup is way too sophisticated for me.

Sorry, no notion why…you cannot exclude a drive?

Hallo @poi

Ich habe die Diskussion verfogt, dank eines Übersetzungsnodules in den Beiträgen.

Hier mal 2 LINKS

# Konfigurieren der Einstellungen für “Ausschlüsse/Geringe Risiken”

Weitere Informationen zum Echtzeitschutz

Danke für den Link. Ich habe die Lösung gefunden. :grinning:Und zwar wird ja angezeigt, **Kein giiltiger Pfad ausgewahlt.

Wahlen Sie den Ordner über die Kontrollkästchen aus…**<<<

Ich konnte das nur so schlecht sehen, weil ich ja, wie geschrieben, eien 4K-Monitor habe. Und alles super klein oder super groß angezeigt wird. Also, setze ich jetzt z.B. vor dem Laufwerk “E” ein Häckchen vor dem Laufwerk, dann geht es.

