Latest Update(s) Did Not Bring Toolbar/Identity Safe Back in Chrome

I appreciated the pop-up note I got when I opened Chrome, this is a nice added feature.  I followed the instructions to ensure everything was updated, rebooted, restarted, etc.  Chrome still shows Identity Safe as disabled; when I hit install from that Manage Extensions page it takes me back through the circle of links I traveled from the pop-up I got announcing the updates but I never get Norton to show Identity Safe/Chrome as enabled.  Chrome does show all three Norton products as enabled.  


I do get Identity Safe fill-in when I go to a form page but I do not get the pull-down list of Names and Passwords for those sites where I have multiple IDs.  I have to open Norton, go to settings for Identity Safe and open configure to get my list of IDs for that site.  I never get the toolbar.


Versions are:

Norton Identity Safe 1.0.5
Norton Security Toolbar 2014.7.6.17
Chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 m
Norton Internet Security
Norton Safe Search as default for Chrome